Age of marriage for girls to be revised soon

After the Independence speech of prime minister where he has hinted that government is looking after revising the age of marriage of girls, which is currently 18. As Prime Minister Narendra modi is receiving letters from girls on the above statement he assured them that decision will be taken soon.

After the Independence speech of prime minister where he has hinted that government is looking after revising the age of marriage of girls, which is currently 18. As Prime Minister Narendra modi is receiving letters from girls on the above statement he assured them that decision will be taken soon.

To decide on what should be the right age of marriage for girls, discussions are on. I have been getting a lot of letters from aware daughters from across the country asking for an early decision on the matter. They ask why has the committee’s repost not come yet. I assure all those daughters that very soon the report will come and as soon as that happens, the government will study it and works on its recommendations. : PM

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