How to keep your children safe from internet

The Internet can be wonderful for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators.

The Internet can be wonderful for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyber bullying, and online predators.

Today’s world is digital era, where everyone from their early stages have an access to internet and have every information on their fingertips. The kids using internet need to be looked after and they should know about the risk side of this internet as well and should be aware of how to be protected from various online frauds and threats. 

There are some safety measures or steps for parents to keep your child safe while using internet:

Never let your kid browse alone –

While your kid is using internet you should be present there to monitor. You can be assure that they are viewing suitable content and you can supervise their online activities.

Teach them to protect private details –

Teach children to never share their private details suchas address, phone numbers, parent’s works detail, card details etc.

To be carefull while meeting online friends-

Teach your kids that internet can not be as you see it. It is dangerous to go meet online friends as they could turn out to be paedophiles or kidnappers. Keep track of your kids’ online friends and report suspicious activities or people online to your local cyber-crime department

Use a strong password-

Teach your kids the importance of strong password and not to disclose passwords to anyone. Passwords are tougher to crack if they are at least eight characters long, contain at least one number, one special character, one lower-case letter and one upper-case letter.

Set a time rule-

Set a specific time limit for online activities of your children. Whether it is for entertainment purposes or educational reasons, it is better to limit kids’ time online. Discuss this with your children and agree on a set time limit per day.

Monitor what your kids post online-

Make them aware about what to post online and what to not, also make them know that once somethingposted can not be deleted, make sure whatever they is appropriate.

Use Reliable Security Software-

Make sure you install reliable security software on your device to prevent viruses, malware or spyware and ensure that you have firewalls turned on to prevent pop-ups and hackers. There are also several online protection tools that help you control your kids’ access to inappropriate content. Use these tools to ensure your child’s safety.

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