“It is not always about living the life, but about how you live it. “ | THE ART OF LIVING

It was sometime in March 2001 when I got myself registered for an Art Of Living course under some friend’s influence. The whole motive was to be with the friends and have fun. But you never know what fate has got for you. I knew very little about this course but had learned a bunch.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - THE ART OF LIVING

“It is not always about living the life, but about how you live it. “

It was sometime in March 2001 when I got myself registered for an Art Of Living course under some friend’s influence. The whole motive was to be with the friends and have fun. But you never know what fate has got for you. I knew very little about this course but had learned a bunch. People said, “it changes the world for you!” Frankly, I did not believe that in the first place. When we began with the course we were a bit hesitant, but as the days went along we never wanted to get back home. I had never felt so relaxed and placid in my entire lifetime. As the course was about to end, I still did not think it changed the world for me instead it changed me for good. I was never so content and happy in life and wanted this peaceful state to be eternal. Exactly like when you travel to a new place which mesmerizes you to the extent that you desire to tell everyone about it. That is exactly what happened with me. I became a volunteer at ART OF LIVING as I desired to assimilate more of what it held for me. And just to discover that I visited the Bangalore ashram for the first time.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - THE ART OF LIVING

As I was exploring the scenic beauty of the ashram, I saw the crowd running towards a big, beautifully structured white building. It made me curious, so I chose the other route to that building just to understand what was in that location. The fresh smell of the soil and the brisk breeze emptied my mind just like the clear sky. I just kept on going and was at the back door of that building. I could hear people cheering, but could not see anything. Suddenly I saw few people running towards me, so I stacked off. When I was standing on the side, I saw a man in white with long black hair waving at the crowd. As he began walking towards me facing his back my heart started to play the drums. Suddenly he threw up and asked a boy in the crowd to be thrifty as he was about to step on a little seedling. It was heart lifting for me! He was none other than Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji. I was so proud that he was my guru, my mentor.

As I attended many sessions with Sri Sri I realized even his silence dripped of knowledge and his gestures always had a hidden puzzle for us to figure out. The best part about him is he makes everyone a part of his family. Although I was new I still felt belongings in people. Today, the problem with our society is we don’t have belongings for each other. The criminal offences would have never survived if we felt for each other. My personality swapped and my vision broadened. Instead of asking “what about me? What Can I attain from this world?” I started wondering “what can I do for others and the world?” It almost seems like he is holding my hand and guiding me throughout and I have the whole universe to draw myself out from any fix.

I was always living my life, but never observed how I was living it. Art Living is like lettuce in the coffee for me. Everything smells and tastes so much better now. Problems! I do not see any problems; I see challenges. Sorrow! I never experience sadness; I see acceptance. Loneliness! I do not see Loneliness; I see quality time. And that is what THE ART OF LIVING IS!

Article By: Neetu Kala Tak

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