Cabinet Minister Bhupender Yadav dedicated E Library to Students of Jamalpur

On 21 June 2021, Ramprasad E- library came into existence in the heart of the village and people not just within the village but outside the village. With an aim of keeping up with times, Mr. Bhupender Yadav laid down the foundation of an e- library, which provided digital services along with an exemplary ambience for studying to the minds of today and tomorrow. The commencement itself observed a phenomenal response from the students who wanted to imbibe in them not only what their books offered but also the knowledge, gates to which were opened by the free laptop and internet access provided.

Heritage and culture shape a person’s character and keeping that in mind, while taking a step forward by adopting the new age technologies and propelling them Ramprasad E- library takes a step towards the roots of our culture and values by being built in the ancestral house of Mr. Bhupender Yadav. The place itself is a symbolic of what makes the Indian culture and values special. To keep the spirit of the culture and nationality going, members of the library along with the people of the village celebrate distinct festivals ebulliently and fervently.

Education is a way to learn and hone the skills of an individual and also to understand what it takes in the real world to be the epitome of an ideal person. At Ramprasad E- library individuals of varying backgrounds come together to organize and take part in activities and competitions to learn and add different skills like art, public speaking, etc to their skill sets.

Inspiration and guidance can change the lives of the budding youth who will shape the future and to do the same eminent personalities have a regular visit to library to share their experience and guide the students for a better tomorrow. Time and again to serve the purpose of guiding the students counselling sessions with professional counsellors are organized within the library.

The students have made the best out of the resources provided by accomplishing some great feats, like getting selected for their dream jobs in different fields be it government administrative services, national security services or advancing in their academic careers by getting admitted in some of the most prestigious universities of the country. Recognizing what a little nudge can do for people another library was established in Fazilpur to touch the lives of students and give them the much-needed platform to develop themselves and to realize the power of education.


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