Shri Piyush Goyal inaugurates “Conclave on Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017”

Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Textiles, Shri Piyush Goyal today inaugurated the “Conclave on Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017” at Vanijya Bhawan, New Delhi to sensitise stakeholders about the Order.

Addressing the conclace, Shri Goyal said we need to take collective resolve to become a developed nation by 2047, one of the 5 Prans stated by Shri Narendra Modi in his Independence Day Address. We really need to push the envelop and work hard to ensure prosperity reaches to last person in the bottom of pyramid, he added.

Shri Goyal urged industry to play role of whistleblower in instances of wrong declaration in terms of indigenization of products put up on GeM. This would help in transparency in procurement process, which encourages domestically made goods and services, he added. Shri Goyal further said we are undertaking this exercise in full public glare because under PM’s vision we have to strive for full transparency in our working.

Shri Goyal remarked that our TRP in public procurement is: Trust, Reliability and Prosperity.  He mentioned that Government is keen to use Artificial Intelligence in GeM procurement process to make it more effective and sought industry cooperation to that end.

Recalling one of the 5 Prans given by PM Shri Narendra Modi in his Independence Day Address, Shri Goyal spoke about getting rid of colonial mindset and stated that BIS will engage with Indian Industry to ensure use of Indian standards in various sectors of manufacturing.

Urging industry to continue engagement with Government, he  asked them to share if they are facing any issues of harrasment. These would be openly addressed, he stressed.

The Minister expressed confidence in the capability of the local industry and congratulated them for their active participation in this growth journey. Seeking suggestions from the industry, he said proactive participation of the industry will truly help realise our goal of Sabka saath sabka vikas, sabka vishwas and sabka prayaas.

Appreciating the forward looking approach of DPIIT and Officials for their openness to engage with industry, Shri Goyal reiterated commitment of the government to  working together with the Industry for a better future. 

The “Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 (PPP-MII Order, 2017)” has been issued pursuant to Rule 153 (iii) of General Financial Rules, 2017 as an enabling provision to promote local industry by providing them preference in public procurement. 

The Order is applicable on procurement of goods, services and works by Central Ministries/Departments, their attached/ subordinate offices, autonomous bodies controlled by the Government of India, Government companies, their joint ventures and Special Purpose Vehicles.


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