Instructions to all major and minor ports for dealing with novel coronavirus

1. The Directorate has issued instructions on dealing with novel coronavirus (COVID- 19) vide DGS Order No. 02 of 2020 dated 16.03.2020, DGS Order No. 03 of 2020 & 20.03.2020 and maritime advisories vide M.S. Notice 02 of 2020 dated 28.01.2020, M.S. Notice 03 of 2020 dated 04.02.2020 & M.S. Notice 06 of 2020 dated 03.03.2020 (F. No. 7- NT(72)/2014).

2. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic across large number of nations is an unprecedented situation in recent times. To slow the spread of the disease and mitigate its impacts, travel advisories have been issued by many jurisdictions including India. However, shipping services are required to continue to be operational so that vital goods and essential commodities like fuel, medical supplies, food grains etc., are delivered and to ensure that the economic activity of the nation is not disrupted. It is, therefore, important that the flow of goods by sea should not be needlessly disrupted without compromising the safety of life and protection of the environment. In view of the same, it has been decided that for the continued operation of vessels and ports, the following shall be complied with by all stakeholders till further orders.

All Vessels

3. The master of a vessel, before arrival at its first port of call in India, shall ascertain the state of health of each person on board the vessel and submit the Maritime Declaration of Health to the concerned health authorities of the port and to the port authorities.

4. The format of the Maritime Declaration of Health shall be as per Annex 8 of the International Health Regulations 2005, issued by World Health Organisation which has also been adopted by International Maritime Organisation by the FAL Convention at section A (2.1). Copy of the model Maritime Declaration of Health is enclosed.

5. The Maritime Declaration of Health shall be forwarded at least 72 hours prior arrival of the vessel at the port. If the voyage duration from last port of departure is less than 72 hours, the Maritime Declaration of Health shall be informed to the port immediately on departure from the port. In addition, the information required by the local health authorities of the port like temperature chart, individual health declaration etc. shall also be provided by the master as per the directives of the local health authorities of the port.

6. If the master of the vessel ascertains that a person on board the vessel is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, the same shall be explicitly mentioned in the Maritime Declaration of Health being forwarded to the health authorities and to the port.

7. If the maritime declaration of health given by the master is found to be incorrect and not reflecting the factual conditions of health of persons on board the vessel, the master is liable to be prosecuted as per applicable laws. All agents of the vessel shall ensure that this information regarding possible prosecution for incorrect declaration is clearly informed to the vessel before its arrival at Indian ports. 8. In case of any suspected person on board the vessel, the master shall ensure that the suspected person is isolated in the ship’s hospital, or other suitable location on the vessel. All other persons who may have come in contact with the suspected person shall also be isolated at appropriate locations as decided by the master. The master shall also ensure that all instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, as well as the guidance issued on dealing with COVID-19 matters by World Health Organization (WHO), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other applicable trade bodies are complied with at all times.

9. Vessels having persons suspected of COVID-19 will necessarily be required to be monitored by the health authorities and put in quarantine, if necessary. Samples from the suspected person will be taken and tested as per the instructions of the health authorities. If the samples are tested positive, the vessel will remain in quarantine and the infected person(s) will be dealt with as per the procedures laid down by MoHFW, Govt. of India. Vessels with infected person shall also be sanitized as per the extant protocols for dealing with COVID-19 pandemic.

10. In case of medical emergency, the health authorities shall supervise transport of the patient to the designated hospital as per the procedures laid down by MoHFW, Govt. of India.

11. In the unfortunate incident for a vessel to deal with deceased person suspected of having COVID-19, the guidelines on dead body management issued by MoHFW, Govt. of India, will apply.

12. Vessels arriving from ports of infected countries identified for mandatory quarantine and travel ban by MoHFW, Govt. of India before 14 days of departure from the infected port, or having seafarers embarked on the vessel who have been in infected regions within 14 days of arrival at any Indian port shall need to comply with additional measures as given in the Annex 1. The updated list of infected countries may be obtained from the website of MoHFW, Govt. of India.

13. Vessels arriving from any port in China to have the necessary quarantine period of 14 days.

14. Stoppages of a vessel at any port of infected countries only for bunkering purposes shall not be counted for the calculation of 14 days from port of departure.

15. Vessels that have arrived at Indian port after 14 days of departure from an infected port need not comply with the additional requirements specified in Annex 1. 16. Ports which are not able not comply with the additional requirements specified in Annex 1 shall not allow the vessels to berth for vessels which have arrived within 14 days from the infected countries.

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