Udaipur is one of the 95 cities to have registered for the India Cycles4Change Challenge, an initiative of Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India. The India Programme of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) is the knowledge partner of the Smart Cities Mission in conducting this challenge and guiding cities through it.
Through this Challenge, the registered cities will implement quick interventions to create a safe and cycling-friendly city. To ensure this transformation, Udaipur is committed to working with its citizens as it develops and implements the proposals. Community engagement is a key component of the initiative, and Udaipur seeks your support in making this programme a success.
The India Cycles4Change Challenge
The India Cycles4Change Challenge was announced on 25th June, by Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), MoHUA at the 5th Anniversary Celebrations of the Smart City Mission. It aims to inspire and support the cities to implement quick cycling-friendly initiatives in response to COVID-19. The Challenge will run in two stages. Stage 1 will run until October, where cities will pilot initiatives such as pop-up cycle lanes, host public consultations, conduct surveys, and hold campaigns to promote cycling, which will help develop a scale-up strategy. Based on the pilots and city-wide proposals submitted, 11 cities will be shortlisted in October for Stage 2. In this stage, they will be awarded Rs. 1 Crore and will be guided by national and international experts to scale-up the initiatives. This stage will extend till May 2021.
During the course of the Challenge, cities will be guided through online workshops, technical knowledge material, and peer-to-peer learning discussions with fellow cities. This will help cities to strategize and implement pilots, while also developing their scale-up proposal.