Jaipur, September 27 Health Minister Dr Raghu Sharma has appealed to the voters, candidates and their supporters taking part in the first phase of panchayati raj institutions elections to vote and campaign abiding by the corona related guidelines.
Dr Sharma said that more than 33 lakh voters will use their franchise in the first phase of election of panchayati raj institutions on Monday. As cases of corona infection are increasing in the State and in such situations even a slight carelessness by the general public could cause major problems. He appealed to the general public to fully abide by the guidelines issued by the Centre and the State Government from time to time during the elections.
The Health Minister appealing to the general public said that each voter should go for voting after wearing a mask. Prior to going to the polling station, they should wash hands with soap or sanitise. He said that at the time of voting while standing in a queue should stand in the marked circles or should wait for their turn by maintaining social distance. Senior citizens and differently-abled people should be given priority during voting. He appealed to voters, candidates and their supporters not to stand in crowds or groups at the polling station or its nearby places.
The Health Minister said that the general public this time has double responsibilities. They have cast their vote to strengthen democracy and should also remain cautious from the corona pandemic. He hoped that people would set an example by following the guidelines and cast their vote.

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