Allahabad’s Name is Supposed to Be Changed to “Prayagraj”

Uttar Pradesh Government has taken a decision to change the name of Allahabad to “Prayagraj”. The government is planning to come with the changed name before that Kumbh Mela gets started the next year.

If the name “Prayagraj” gets final, then it would be named after the city, Prayag. In Prayag, the three rivers (Ganges, Yamuna, and Sarasvati) that flow across the state meets together. To Confirm the news, Deputy CM Keshav Maurya explained that Allahabad has always been identified by its spot Prayag for so long, that’s why the government has taken a decision to change its name.

As this place is also famous for its hosting the Kumbh Mela in every 12 years, some media clues reported the banners for the next year Kumbh Mela (2019) describe the name of the Allahabad city as “Prayagraj”.

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