Covid-19 recovery rate increased to 90% in India

More than 10 crore covid-19 tests are held in India and the recovery rate is more than 90% with the highest recovery rate in the world. Shri Rajesh Bhushan, secretary, ministry of health and family welfare providing a weekly report of covid-19 on a positive note.

 More than 10 crore covid-19 tests are held in India and the recovery rate is more than 90% with the highest recovery rate in the world. Shri Rajesh Bhushan, secretary, ministry of health and family welfare providing a weekly report of covid-19 on a positive note.

He also informed that, India’s no. of cases per million population as well as deaths per million population are among the lowest in the world. “It took us 57 days to register a recovery of 10 lakhs from 1 lakh whereas, the latest 10 lakh recoveries have been achieved in just 13 days which is also a satisfactory sign,” said Shri Bhushan.

While stating about the declining cases and deaths he further mentioned that “it has declined from 1.77% on 1st September to 1.50% today, 27th October .It should be specifically noted that many States and Union Territories have case fatality rate below the national average of 1.50%. There has also been a decline in average daily new deaths: from 1054 in September to 615 now.”

India also witnesses continuous decline in average daily new COVID cases, which has come down from 83,232 during 23- 29 Sep to 49,909 between 21-27 October. “When we observe the number of new COVID cases reported in the last 24 hours, it is only 36,470. However the number of COVID tests conducted during this period has never come down. If even after doing an average 11 lakh tests per day, there is a decline in daily new cases it is surely a very positive sign. Our number of tests per million population is more than 75,600”, he pointed out.

Shri Bhushan also highlighted the state wise contribution of COVID cases. 78% of active cases seen in just 10 States/UTs of which Maharashtra account for around 21.5% cases. Also 86% of total deaths reported are seen in 10 States/UTs of which more than 36% COVID deaths seen in Maharashtra. “Five states account for 58% COVID deaths reported in last 24 hours and Maharashtra is the leading state”, he added.

 He also said that Health Ministry is in contact with all these states, where central teams have been sent. “A few teams have returned after completing the task allotted, and after analyzing their report, further actions will be taken in formulating new strategies  to be adopted in these states”, Shri Bhushan said.

He also mentioned how Kerala has emerged as a leading contributor in new COVID cases reported in the last 24 hours. “Five states account for around 50% of newly reported COVID cases in the last 24 hours. Kerala alone has reported 4287 cases in last 24 hours”, he said.

Shri Bhushan also insisted the importance of following COVID Appropriate Behaviours and noted that it is very essential to follow these during this festival season Speaking about the prevention strategy to be adopted to control the spread, Member, Health, NITI Aayog, Dr. V.K. Paul said we have to follow the surveillance-contact tracing- isolation- quarantine strategy as well as individual behaviour by following COVID Appropriate Behaviours in order to maintain the declining trend shown by the country. He also listed two significant steps to be followed – Isolation and Quarantine.

1) Isolation of those who have tested COVID Positive: “This can be achieved by proper surveillance by health departments, district administration etc.”, he said.

2) Quarantining of close contacts: Close contacts of the COVID Positive person should be quarantined. “A good programme suggests that for one positive case, 15-20 contacts to be quarantined. At least more than 10 close contacts should be quarantined. It is also our responsibility to not stigmatize them instead we should be supportive to help the close contacts voluntarily quarantine themselves” said Dr. V.K. Paul

“Let’s strictly follow the preventive measures which are in our hands and try control the spread so that we need not worry about treatment or its cure. People have whole heartedly supported the Prime Minister’s appeal to follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours during the festivals, which is appreciable. At the same time we need to be more cautious since there are more festivals to come”, he added. He also thanked the media for the support in spreading awareness about Jan Andolan

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